Red primers

5 companies | 5 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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protective primer
protective primer
2602 series

Capacity: 400 ml

Excellent adhesion to blank grounded metal Weldable Fast drying Active rust protection pigments guarantee best possible rust protection

single-component primer
single-component primer

Quick-drying universal aerosol primer A quick-drying, universal one-component aerosol primer suitable for small sanded-through areas. Available in white, black, medium grey, grey, red, ...

finishing primer
finishing primer
W6000 series

Drying time: 5 s - 20 s
Capacity: 500, 250, 1 ml

The W6000 Series is a very high performance water-based system with excellent hiding power and blending capability, which achieves a high productivity and an excellent finish. A thorough work in our color laboratories, and a strict ...

quick-drying primer
quick-drying primer

Drying time: 15, 30 min

... cycle parts, iron fences, sheet metal covers, etc. The high quality Corrosion Protection Primer dries very fast, has a good adhesion and covers well. An ideal primer for even and glossy surfaces with ...

quick-drying primer
quick-drying primer

Quick drying acrylic filler with anticorossive properties. Available in black, grey and red color. For more info please refer to the TDS.

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