MeX is a stand alone software package that turns any SEM with digital imaging into a true surface metrology device. Using stereoscopic images the software automatically retrieves 3D information and presents a highly accurate, robust and dense 3D dataset which is then used to perform traceable metrology examination. The results are obtained irrespective of the SEM magnification providing metrology at macro and micro levels...
The software is self installing and is extremely easy to use. The modular design of the package allows flexibility in use; it also permits users, with a single repetitive task to perform, to purchase modules according to requirements. The analysis modules allow measurement of profile, roughness, area, volume and height. All measurements are traceable, can be calibrated and conform to ISO standards.
The performance of MeX has been proved by many customers in leading companies and universities throughout the world providing imaging and analysis previously unobtainable with SEM images.