The IR-CBU PRO is an accurate, rugged, easy-to-use system for cutting weld preparations on mild steel plate. Accurate bevel cutting is achieved using a precision tactile sensor to follow the plate surface. This rugged system includes heat shields and air cooling to protect against the extreme heat generated by thick plate beveling. Tilt, offset, lead-lag, and torch height are quickly and easily adjusted by hand. The cutting sequence is fully automated by automatic ignition, automatic height control, individual torch solenoid valves, and automatic infinite rotation.
Infinite rotation
Can make I, V, X, Y, and K cuts
Digital AC drives and planetary gearboxes for rotation and Z-axes
Hand-wheel adjusters for tilt, offset, and torch height
Precision cutting height controlled by tactile sensor
Bridge Construction
Heavy Fabrication
Marine and Offshore
Pressure Vessels
Steel Cutting Centres