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Automatic bread production line RAFF®

automatic bread production line
automatic bread production line
automatic bread production line
automatic bread production line
automatic bread production line
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OUR INDUSTRIAL SOLUTION FEATURING THE RAFF®: PUNCH & FOLD IN LINE! Following Minipan way to respect the traditional methods completely, the Bread Rolls and Bisnaguinha Line features a variable number of RAFF­­® in line as sheet generators. Thanks to its punch and fold process, the RAFF® enhances the gluten network of the dough and generates a unique sheet of dough. Furthermore, the Bread Rolls and Binsaguinha Line is equipped with Minipan exclusive SCRAP FREE® technology that eliminates the lateral waste and guarantees a unique sheet of dough precisely controlled in width and thickness. Respect of the traditions + No waste = Perfect products & more revenues. Advantages: + Traditional sheet generation (no extruders) + CRAP FREE®technology, no waste, more revenues + Raffs in line that exalt the qualities of the dough
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.