Protection and partitioning systems – Safety with visual demand
Protection of people from dangers caused by machines but also protection of the machines and plants from unauthorised access. In addition, the protection system shall support the positive visual appearance of the machine behind it and not interfere with it.
The RK-protection and partitioning system meets these requirements. And this is done with an adaptability to the relevant conditions at the installation location need by the practicians.
The modular system makes it easier
The protection system must not need too much planning. Therefore the RK modular system facilitates planning by standardised grid surfaces. Otherwise, the production possibilities are so flexible that special dimensions can be produced in shortest times .
The most important features
-Quick assembly on site
-Optimal adaptation to local conditions, because any angles can be used for the protective guides.
-Frames with the same dimensions can be exchanged among themselves.
-Easy disassembly/assembly of individual parts, e.g. for maintenance works at the plant.