Complete jacketed glass reactors for pharmaceutical use on our unique free standing movable frame.
Industrial design, high performing industrial stirring system and connections.
- Gmp compliant;
- Total safety: no residues or stagnant liquids;
- For pharmaceutical use, FDA compliant (PTFE and borosilicate glass in contact with products);
- Multi-purpose;
- Complete glass piping;
- Compact design;
- It can be placed under walk-in hoods (up to 20L version)
- Atex certification available on request.
Design Temperature : -50 °C / 180 °C
T D : 80 °C
Design Pressure : -1mbar / 0,49 bar
Max vacuum: 5mbar
-DN300 Jacketed vessel;
-10L, 20L and 30L nominal capacity;
-DN300 Glass lid 7 necks:
a) DN25 Central for stirring;
b) DN80 with closure for solid loading;
c) DN25 for liquid inlet;
d) DN50 for vapour line;
e) DN40 closed and free (on request);
f) DN40 closed and free (on request);
g) DN40 closed and free (on request);
-AISI304 Stirring shaft, PTFE-coated;
-PTFE Stirring anchor blade;
-PTFE/glass mechanical seal - ATSA25/16;
-25mm discharge bottom valve, Gmp compliant.