Accelerate and automate your method development using Thermo Scientific Vanquish Method Development HPLC and UHPLC systems. These systems can optimize separation conditions by testing different combinations of buffers on up to six HPLC columns. Vanquish Method Development HPLC and UHPLC systems use Thermo Scientific Chromeleon Chromatography Data System (CDS), which features downloadable eWorkflows to simplify automated column and buffer scouting while enabling secure and central data storage. Achieve fully automated method development with ChromSwordAuto Chromeleon Connect and ChromSword AutoRobust Chromeleon Connect. Chromeleon CDS is also compatible with the S-Matrix® Fusion QbD® software package.
Automated column and eluent screening option
Screen up to 13 eluents by equipping your Vanquish Method Development HPLC and UHPLC system with a solvent selection valve for extensive, automated screening. The Thermo Scientific Viper Method Scouting Kit contains all the tubing and near-zero dead volume connections to screen four columns automatically without the need for any user interaction.
Universal and sensitive detection techniques
Detect all non- or semi-volatile analytes using a near-universal Thermo Scientific Charged Aerosol Detector. Additionally, gain more confidence in identification using the Thermo Scientific ISQ EC and EM single quadrupole mass detectors for peak identification and impurity profiling.