The ADP5250 brings higher sample rate and bandwidth and a more rugged design to the Analog Discovery Pro family, keeping our free highly rated WaveForms application software at the controls.
Designed to combine a complete set of instruments into a flexible and programmable device, the ADP5250 features a mixed-signal oscilloscope with two 100 MHz, up to 1 GS/s analog input channels, one waveform generator with up to with up to 20 MHz sine output, 34 digital channels at a sample rate of up to 100 MS/s, a tri-output power supply capable of up to 25 V, an external trigger, and a built-in programmable DMM.
Analog Discovery Pro devices feature a variety of advanced triggering options. Instruments within WaveForms can be cross-triggered, for example, by activating an oscilloscope capture based on a received and decoded digital protocol. In addition, external signals can trigger events using the dedicated external trigger input/output. Our free WaveForms software provides these features configurable in the instruments themselves, or for more control or automation in one of the available scripting interfaces. The following instruments are available in the WaveForms application for the ADP5250:
Waveform Generator
Power Supplies
Logic Analyzer
Static I/O
Spectrum Analyzer
Network Analyzer
Impedance Analyzer