“Wetting/Washing in Place“ (WIP) and “Cleaning in Place“ (CIP) operations require very smooth surfaces with only few connections, free of gaps. Hygienic design is major to modularity. Typically, PPC (Pneumatic Pharma Conveyor) Vacuum Conveyors are used for WIP and CIP processes.
For many years, modified PPC Vacuum Conveyors are in operation, in which, after the powder transport all product contacting surfaces are rinsed without dismantling of the vacuum conveyor. Due to the optimized design and the installation of hygienic valves, all components and surfaces are wetted effectively. After rinsing and flooding, the washing liquid is fully drained. Upon request, the filter may be replaced by a flushing cover and the remaining separator then is CIP cleaned.
A “full” CIP solution is available, too. During rinsing, cleaning and drying the filter remains inside the vacuum conveying system. These come with specific spraying and washing nozzles with rinsing/spray outlet in different directions, have no pocket areas and unique sanitary drain valves for the filter and separator.
The wide range of cleaning options have been successfully transferred to other units like our bag emptying stations.
Furthermore, today Volkmann WIP Vacuum Conveyors are used inside clean-rooms and inside OEB 4 (Occupational Exposure Band 4, OEL 1-10 µg/m³) classified areas.