Allame Makina

Who we are

SKYFIBERTECH is a leading manufacturer of fiber optic cable blowing machines. Our machines are designed to quickly and efficiently blow fiber optic cable into existing conduits or into new conduit systems. We have a wide range of models that are designed to fit different needs and budgets. We also offer a variety of accessories and services to ensure that your machine is working correctly and efficiently. Our machines are designed with user-friendly interfaces and built for durability. With their fiber optic cable blowing machines, you can increase the speed and efficiency of your fiber optic installations.

Our company ever since its in corporation in the telecommunication sector has been operating the fiber blowing machine. Our company since its establishment until the superior service quality and customer satisfaction continues to be one of the leading companies.

Since 2002 we started to manufacture about the spare parts and their components in Kocaeli. We mainly; Automotive, Telecomunication and Industrial Equipments & spare parts manufacturing.

Our values

The fact that customer satisfaction as a priority action in this direction is to provide products and services for telecom.

For this reason,

• Complying with the terms of the quality management system, to sustain activity.

• Ethics, values, respect and team spirit, and the potential to increase customer satisfaction.

• Improve the competitiveness of the industry by continuously improving staff satisfaction and education.

• Our employees, customers, suppliers long-term commitment to our organizations and institutions to increase non-cooperation.

• The provisions of relevant laws and standards to export to the framework.

For more information , please contact us – > Cable Blowing Machines