Who we are

AUTOPSTENHOJ is a premium global brand, offering the best overall experience to the premium workshop equipment market.
AUTOPSTENHOJ does not only claim to be premium, but illustrates and proves this every day!

AUTOPSTENHOJ promises Premium products, Premium technology and Premium service offered through a global partner network to make sure that all AUTOPSTENHOJ customers profit from the best experience during the entire product life cycle.

The customers’ benefits are obvious:

- high quality

- money saving

- attractive return on investments

- worldwide dealer network

AUTOPSTENHOJ - formerly autop and STENHØJ - has set standards in its business fields, as a leading manufacturer of hydraulic inground lifts and as a worldwide known manufacturer of surface-mounted lifts and compressors.

More than 500,000 products from the workshop equipment sector have been in reliable use worldwide for decades.

Our values

Our vision:

”AUTOPSTENHOJ offers the best total experience for the premium market of workshop solutions”

Our mission:

”AUTOPSTENHOJ is a workshop solution supplier for the global automotive market standing for a range of innovative processes and top quality products. These are supplied through competent partners as a premium solution ensuring customers the best experience throughout the life time of the product”

One strong brand for all markets!