Gebrüder Frei

Who we are

Where electrical or electronic devices and components are concerned, customers the world over put their trust in Frei. In addition to standard products, it is our customer-specific systems that really set the benchmark when it comes to control elements for mobile machines, power supplies or components for textile machines. We are experts for bespoke solutions and our commitment to excellence is especially visible when we’re faced with seemingly impossible challenges.

Our values


We model and organise our company such that every employee is passionate and enthusiastic about and enjoys working for us and attains tangible achievements in the process. The company should be both an oasis of well-being and a place of productivity and results.

We are one company, one team.


We trust our colleagues, support them when necessary and are fair in our dealings with them. Our team play is characterised by mutual respect.

We talk to each other, not about each other.


We are proactive and enthusiastically assume responsibility every day. And we regard deadlines, targets and duties as promises and keep them. All team players, freelancers and outsourcing partners are dependable!

Dependability is one of the key selection criteria we apply to all employees and external partners. This is how we reduce stress, avoid idle times and increase the speed with which we implement undertakings.

We commit ourselves to an environmental and quality policy that is based on continuous and sustainable improvement.


We aim to turn as many of our customers as possible into not only loyal, regular customers but also enthusiastic customers, because we offer top-quality products and services, generate a feel-good factor and provide a great customer experience all along the line.

For us, the phrase “customer focus” means systematically viewing things from the customer’s point of view and optimising the quality of the services we provide in all areas, on a day-to-day basis.


We perform top-level services that are reflected in every respect in the high quality of our work and products. We’re highly creative, innovative and occasionally downright “unique”.

We act quickly, purposefully and with foresight. We have the confidence to try new things so we don’t simply tread water, even if we don’t always succeed.


We keep distractions to a minimum, work in a focused manner and spend a large part of the day dealing with top-priority tasks.

We also consider which tasks we can scale back, outsource or do away with completely.


All recurring tasks are united into a single system in which we employ a continuously updated employee handbook, training videos, checklists and the like and make optimum use of all technical possibilities. We strive for process reliability with continuous improvement.

We regard even the most everyday situations as an opportunity to make improvements and we constantly challenge one another and ourselves in order to push the boundaries of what’s possible.


Healthy profits are important to ensure the long-term survival of the company. They are also essential to allow us to pay attractive wages and salaries to employees, to invest in innovation and, of course, to maintain our credibility as a successful company.

This is why everyone at the company thinks and acts in a profit-oriented way, for the benefit of everyone involved.

Our presence around the world