Second Breath OÜ

Who we are

SECOND BREATH OÜ is a research and manufacturing company whose subject of activity is innovative equipment and software for testing personal respiratory protection equipment (RPE), monitoring the physiological parameters of human respiration, education and training of mining industry personnel.

Our customers are developers and manufacturers of respiratory protective equipments, accreditation body, certification centers, professional laboratories, research centers and universities, coal mining companies. We do everything to make them successful in their work and develop FASTER, EASIER AND MORE FLEXIBLE test equipment.

Our testing solutions are suitable for RPE for various applications: civil protection, industrial safety, for space and aviation, for high pressure.

Our catalogs includes the equipment for different test for breathing apparatus and respirators like a simulating human respiration; breathing resistance; dolomite dust clogging; inward leakage: test using sodium chloride (NaCl) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 ) as test agents; carbon dioxide and monooxide content of the inhalation air; gas capacity of filters using specified test agents; simulating of pulsating air flow; atmospheric differential pressure test. We are ready to develop equipment according to customer's terms of reference.

By choosing SECOND BREATH OÜ test solutions, you get:

1. Best performance and possibilities

2. Prices below analog positions

3. Individual approach to each client

4. Continuous service

Our values

We strive to bring to a qualitatively new level of rescue and protection of people in unusable to breathe the atmosphere. We are rethinking how we measure safety of RPE and inspire developers and manufacturers to create perfect protective products


1. Dedication to customer success

We deeply respect and are inspired by the mission of the creators of RPE, so we do everything so that they are successful on your way

2. Innovative approach

We offer the market a new look at RPE testing, where there is no place for a heavy form, long processes, a narrow range of test opportunities and continuous involvement of highly qualified personnel laboratories

3. Ready for challenges

We are ready to solve individual non-standard requests customers, and not offer only ready-made solutions

4. Following innovation and technological aesthetics

We aim to inspire developers and RPE manufacturers to create perfect products and bring more automated processes and attractive industrial forms