TactHill by Kynoppe

Who we are

Whatever the industrial sector which you operate in, you probably noticed that the modularity and fexibility of HMI systems (Human to Machine Interface) condition mostly the success of a product. The great improvements made in ergonomics for consumer electronics has indeed established very high standards that are required today in the industrial world and this, whatever the sector concerned: the user interface has become a quality criteria and thereby a real diferentiation tool. Kynoppe team operates since many years on the macro-switching market of interfacing the Man with the Machine. Key partner on the French market of manufacturers globally recognized designers, Kynoppe designs,co-develops and markets a wide range of switch products - through its brand TactHill by Kynoppe for diversifed markets: industrial automation, medical, telecommunications, aerospace, transportation, defense, agriculture etc.

Whatever your core market is, Kynoppe team ofers its extended cost-effective technology ofering, responsiveness, flexibility, know-how in switching technologies at the service of your application.

Our values

Exceeding expectations of our customers by providing innovative and competitive products, optimizing time treatment, developing, listening and analyzing their needs and positioning the responsiveness and fexibility as core values.