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LED lighting uses light-emitting diode bulbs offering great efficiency and long life. They save energy by operating a...
Light curtains are composed of non-visible infrared light beams which protect personnel from harmful machinery such a...
A digital camera is an image recording system that converts moving images to a series of digital pixel matrices.
A vibration damper minimizes noise pollution by damping machine noise and vibration. It uses an elastic element, hydr...
An LCD monitor is a flat screen using liquid crystal technology to create the display. It is often used for industria...
An infrared camera is equipped with a sensor (microbolometer) sensitive to infrared radiation.
A smoke detector is a fire safety device which sounds an alarm when smoke is present. Ionization models are illegal i...
A CMOS camera contains a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor image sensor.
A touchscreen monitor incorporates the function of the pointing device into the display, replacing both mouse and key...
A smart camera incorporates an electronic system capable of interpreting images and making decisions based on them.
An infrared detector senses light in the infrared range, invisible to the human eye, and is used for gas and movement...
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