Blue primers

6 companies | 8 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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single-component primer
single-component primer
COSMO® SP-830.171

Primer as adhesion improving agent for butyl- and bitumen-jointing tapes onto different absorbent, mineral underground. COSMO® SP-830.171 forms, after the hardening up, a smooth, not permanent gluey film with a good  ...

finishing primer
finishing primer

Capacity: 1, 2.5, 5 l

Solvent containing highly thixotropic medium-layer transparent varnish for limited dimensionally stable and dimensionally stable wooden construction elements in exteriors. The satin gloss varnish with a long pot-life maintains the original ...

single-component primer
single-component primer

Quick-drying universal aerosol primer A quick-drying, universal one-component aerosol primer suitable for small sanded-through areas. Available in white, black, medium grey, grey, red, yellow, green ...

finishing primer
finishing primer
W6000 series

Drying time: 5 s - 20 s
Capacity: 500, 250, 1 ml

The W6000 Series is a very high performance water-based system with excellent hiding power and blending capability, which achieves a high productivity and an excellent finish. A thorough work in our color laboratories, and a strict ...

transparent primer
transparent primer

Drying time: 60 min

... . After curing a coulour change occurs. The light blue primer becomes more transparent whereupon further work can start Solvent free and low odour primer Applications - As base ...

quick-drying primer
quick-drying primer
Marcotech ultra

Drying time: 30 min - 60 min

... if applied indoors (face-mask, airing). On tannin-rich woods, to avoid dark stains forming, apply the insulating primer UNIMARC PRIMER ANTITANNINO. Discover the strengths of the product Product ...

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