Dairy product microfiltration units

3 companies | 3 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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membrane microfiltration unit
membrane microfiltration unit

Flow: 20,000, 40,000 l/h

Microfiltration (MF) is based on a membrane with a very open structure allowing most dissolved substances to pass whereas non dissolved particles, bacteria, spores, and fat globules are rejected. It is a highly sustainable, ...

membrane microfiltration unit
membrane microfiltration unit

Filtration size: 0.1 µm

... , it is also an exceptional choice for dairy products and for oil/water separation. The module contains an outer housing (vessel) and an insert composed of about 2,100 capillaries. FEATURES: Microfiltration ...

membrane microfiltration unit
membrane microfiltration unit

Filtration size: 0.8 µm - 14 µm

... ceramic membranes is destinated to whey-by products for human purpose, since it can be reduced the total hot treatment times of the product and consequently to extend the shelf-life of the final liquid ...

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