Dew-point psychrometers

3 companies | 4 products
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digital psychrometer
digital psychrometer

Features: Triple display with backlighting Displays Air temp+RH+surface temp or Dew Point+RH+surface temp or Wet Bulb+RH+surface temp Built-in InfraRed Thermometer with laser pointer and 8:1 distance ...

See the other products
digital psychrometer
digital psychrometer

... multiparameter sensor measures Heat Index, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WGBT), Humidity, Ambient Temperature, Temperature, Dew Point and Wet Bulb User Programmable Heat Index/WBGT alarm MIn/Max/Average Data ...

See the other products
digital psychrometer
digital psychrometer

Temperature: -20 °C - 60 °C
Relative humidity: 10 % - 90 %

PCE-320 Psychrometer helps in measuring accurate humidity, temperature, dew point, wet bulb globe temperature and surface temperature. It also measures ambient humidity ...

direct-reading psychrometer
direct-reading psychrometer

... supplied with each instrument and the dew point can be accurately obtained using the SSCE 2099 Dew Point Calculator.

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