Drying filtration units

3 companies | 3 products
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membrane filtration unit
membrane filtration unit

Single-use, enclosed freeze-drying trays that keep product in the tray during the lyophilization process. GORE LYOGUARD Freeze-Drying Trays are fully enclosed, single-use, disposable containers that ...

oil filtration unit
oil filtration unit

Flow: 6.6 l/s
Pressure: 250 mbar

... regeneration unit is designed to restore the performance of the CP-260 sorbent1 cartridges used in drying2 dielectric insulating oil3. The BRZ unit regenerates the cartridges by hot air ...

Nutsche filtration unit
Nutsche filtration unit

... crystal multiple times. Vacuum drying. Process efficiency is strictly correlated with drying time. The DNFD Delta Nutsche Filter Dryer maximizes contact areas and ...

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