Handheld hydraulic cutters

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Handheld hydraulic cutters | Choosing the Right Shears
Mechanical handheld shears or snips Certain handheld shears are also known as snips. There are tin snips and compound action snips available on the market. Both have two handles and two blades that move on a common axis. The difference with compound action snips is that they have a leverage system, which reduces the cutting effort required by the user. For example, using the same force, tin snips can cut a 1.2 mm sheet with a strength of 400 N/mm², while...
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metal hydraulic cutter
metal hydraulic cutter
WHC series

• Rotating heads for operator convenience • Guillotine action for efficient operation • Carrying bag included for easy carrying and tool protection • Velcro straps to secure handles on larger models for easy transportation • Spring ...

handheld hydraulic cutter
handheld hydraulic cutter

Hydraulic shear designed for the quick cutting of metal in solid bars or profiled. Silent, powerful and quick. it is the irreplaceable partner when cutting linear metal structures, in ...

metal hydraulic cutter
metal hydraulic cutter

Hydraulic shear designed for the quick cutting of metal in solid bars or profiled. Silent, powerful and quick. it is the irreplaceable partner when cutting linear metal structures, in ...

metal hydraulic cutter
metal hydraulic cutter
SB series

... The Snap Breaker is available in both Handheld (SBH) and Stationary (SBT) versions. Different models are available depending on the size of runners and sprues. Like all Hirado equipment, all handheld ...

See the other products
Hirado Kinzoku Kogyo
concrete rebar hydraulic cutter
concrete rebar hydraulic cutter
HWC series

The Wall Cutter is specially engineered for cutting and breaking parts of concrete reinforced walls. In places where water and wire saws cannot be used, the Wall Cutter presents the perfect solution. Vibration ...

See the other products
Hirado Kinzoku Kogyo
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