Polyester silos

4 companies | 6 products
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polyester silo
polyester silo

Capacity: 5 m³ - 65 m³

... granule form. The silo is designed for pneumatic loading of bags and big bags from a tank truck or other dedicated loading system, without the need for additional filters. Raw materials are blown through the filling ...

flexible silo
flexible silo

... components are manufactured in accordance with the regulations of the ATEX guideline. It is also possible to equip high-tech polyester fabrics in accordance with fire class DIN 4102 B2. HIGHLIGHTS •Can be used either ...

industrial silo
industrial silo

Capacity: 8 m³ - 80 m³

... offers a wide range of fiberglass silos fit to store outdoor industrial and foodstuff raw materials. Fiberglass assures long-lasting resistance, even in an environment with strong chemical ...

See the other products
Intech Srl
industrial silo
industrial silo
SIAG series

Capacity: 6 m³ - 52 m³

... materials. Fiberglass assures long-lasting resistance, even in an environment with strong chemical agents. Thanks to its features, fiberglass guarantees a very good insulation keeping safe the properties ...

See the other products
Intech Srl
transport silo
transport silo
SIE series

Capacity: 4 m³ - 66 m³

Fiberglass body is shared in different vertical parts to make the shipment easier. Cheaper transport costs Easy to assemble Intech srl offers a wide range of fiberglass silos ...

See the other products
Intech Srl
mobile silo
mobile silo

Standard equipment • UV+Silo® with a base surface of 1.17 * 1.33 meters • Length 1: 1.65 meter (capacity: 1 metric ton) orLength 2: 2.35 meter (capacity: 1.5 metric ton) • Outlet diameter: 37 cm (suited for automatic ...

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