Stainless steel shredders

6 companies | 14 products
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primary shredder
primary shredder

In stainless steel and vapour proof design produced Twin shaft Shredder for the shredding / processing of medical waste.

primary shredder
primary shredder
GT 500

One shaft Shredder made in stainless steel design for the shredding / processing of medical waste.

primary shredder
primary shredder

Power: 3,000 W

... packaging and bottles, and in any situation where high waste production is not required. It can also be supplied entirely in stainless steel in order to meet the requirements of pharmaceutical and hospital ...

double-shaft shredder
double-shaft shredder

Power: 22,000 W
Output: 1,000, 1,200 kg/h

... many others. The two shredder shafts, made of stainless steel, are equipped with a security and protection device that allows their automatic inversion in case of material in excess. ...

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double-shaft shredder
double-shaft shredder

Power: 3 W

The DT-230SR Shredder model is manufactured in stainless steel and specially suited for use within marine environments. i.e. vessels and offshore installations. The DT-230SR mini-shredder ...

See the other products
Delitek AS
single-shaft shredder
single-shaft shredder

... or from the side. The system is safe to run dry and can be controlled with a level monitor. Comp lete construction in stainless steel

single-shaft shredder
single-shaft shredder
P series

Power: 15,000, 7,500, 3,000 W
Output: 3,000, 1,800, 900 kg/h
Machine Length: 2,000, 1,800, 800 mm

Animal: Beef, Pork, Sheep, Poultry and Rabbit Function: Clean intestines intended for grease. Reduce the sewage weight. Fluid needed: Steam and cold water. • Sewages reduction until 70%. • Resistant blades mounted on the internal ...

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