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- Ultra-rapid laser
Ultra-rapid lasers
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Power: 2.5, 3.5, 0.5 W
Wavelength: 1,030, 1,040 nm
The Chromacity 1040 is a fixed wavelength femtosecond laser source that delivers ultrashort pulses with high average powers in the near-IR. Our fibre-based femtosecond laser source allows us to exploit ...

Power: 1 W - 3.5 W
Wavelength: 680 nm - 1,300 nm
... and InSight X3 lasers have the largest installed base in the market. As a result, researchers have generated more than 1,000 peer-reviewed publications. Ultra-Wide Tuning Range The InSight platform ...
Newport / Spectra-Physics

Power: 30,000,000,000,000, 45,000,000,000,000 W
Wavelength: 800 nm
• Patented technologies offering state-of-the-art performances along with industrial grade • Qualified hardware with robust software solution providing highest availability • User friendly inter • face designed ...
Thales Lasers

Wavelength: 1,030 nm
Versatile, full-featured and compact ultrafast laser / The Satsuma family of femtosecond laser offers offers versatility in the most compact aircooled laser ...

Power: 3 W - 20 W
Wavelength: 515, 1,030 nm
The Indylit 20 is an air-cooled industrial femtosecond laser designed for a variety of ultrafast applications. The laser head features an innovative passively cooled design, ensuring the high stability ...

Power: 0.7, 0.4 W
Wavelength: 700 nm - 1,950 nm
Picosecond Laser Tunable The picosecond laser picoEmerald emits ultra-short pulses with a duration of 2 picoseconds (other durations possible). The wavelength tuning of the ps laser ...

Power: 5.5 W - 30 W
Wavelength: 1,560, 1,064, 1,550 nm
ULTRAFAST FIBER LASER Neptec’s line of Ultrafast Fiber Lasers are designed specifically for medical scientific, and material processing applications. Neptec’s Pulsed Ultrafast Fiber Laser ...
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