V-shaped stainless steel

2 companies | 3 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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stainless steel rod
stainless steel rod

Thickness: 10 mm

... companies have been relying on BUTTING pipes with very tight tolerances of the outside diameter for years. We also produce stainless steel pipes for piggable plants, diaphragm pipes or valve housings, ...

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stainless steel rod
stainless steel rod

... laser treatment, forming, drilling and treating the surfaces. We guarantee the functional safety and long life of the stainless steel components by using high-quality primary products, a high degree ...

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V-shaped stainless steel
V-shaped stainless steel

Thickness: 3 mm - 13 mm
Length: 6,000 mm

Hot rolled angle of equal legs. The specifications of some the products may vary depending on the grades and finishes Dimensional tolerance of Table I, according to DIN -1028-10 Short bars: allowed 10% (minimum length: 5000 mm)

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