Vehicle electrical plugs

2 companies | 3 products
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IP44 electrical plug
IP44 electrical plug

Current: 16 A
VAC: 250 V

CEE plug accoring EN 60309, part 1 + 2 / standard sheet 2-II 3-pole, 6h 16A 250 V ~ IP44 splash-water proofed in connected condition

2-pole electrical plug
2-pole electrical plug

Current: 13 A
VAC: 250 V

British Standard Type G "flat design" BS 1363/A 13A 250V ~ 13A fuse according BS 1362

vehicle electrical plug
vehicle electrical plug
CA #EV01 series

Current: 16 A - 200 A

... provide a durable and efficient solution to electric vehicle charging. Both Type 1 and Type 2 plugs are available to meet multiple EV charging needs. Equipped with cable lengths of 3 and 5 meters, vehicles ...

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