Water separators and drains

5 companies | 6 products
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condensate separator and drain
condensate separator and drain
LiquiPure LP

Flow: 4, 8.4, 20.5, 35.5 m³/min
Weight: 5.3, 18.3, 29.7, 38 kg

... strict condensate drain legislations. Solutions which do not guarantee the required draining quality lead to the risk of significant fines, whilst traditional treatment solutions present a notable financial burden. LiquiPure ...

condensate separator and drain
condensate separator and drain
BEKOMAT® 14 series

Flow: 150 m³/min
Weight: 2.9, 3.1 kg

... loss-free air condensate drain BEKOMAT is manufactured by BEKO Technologies GmbH in Germany. Achieve optimal compressed air treatment by combining the BEKOMAT condensate drain with a high-quality air ...

condensate separator and drain
condensate separator and drain

Flow: 4 m³/min - 40 m³/min
Weight: 0.7 kg

BEKOMAT® 20 | 20FM for Filters and water separators The BEKOMAT 20 is a strong condensate drain designed for use in water separators and air filters. ...

air separator and drain
air separator and drain
AMJ series

Flow: 200, 500, 300 l/min
Length: 165, 199, 278 mm
Width: 53, 70, 90 mm

・Remove water droplets from the air by simply installing it in vacuum equipment connection lines. ・Effective for removing water droplets from the air sucked into vacuumpumps, ejectors, etc.

air compressor separator and drain
air compressor separator and drain
S series

Flow: 54 m³/h - 11,250 m³/h
Weight: 1.2 kg - 171.9 kg

... : Different sizes ADVANTAGES : Clean waste water | Straightforward Service | Low maintenance FOR WHOM ? For all applications using compressed air Know more about our oil-water separators Why ...

pneumatic separator and drain
pneumatic separator and drain

Flow: 600 m³/h - 5,400 m³/h

The modem oil-water-separators in our CSQ sériés utilise the innovative principle of active séparation to treat condensate efficiently and extremely hygienically. Its cartridges are permanently flooded ...

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