The SPM40 offers maximum drive-through width and a flexible pick-up range from SMART to long wheelbase transporter due to its symmetrical construction and slim column design.
Low column height
Broad mounting range
Reliable, durable spindle nut System
Lifting and lowering via convenient push buttons on both sides.
Generously dimensioned fresh oil tanks placed on the lifting nuts always ensure an exactly fitting lubricating film on the spindles.
Two powerful 3.5 kW motors provide powerful lift and fast lifting and lowering times.
The electromechanical synchronization control works reliably and is easy to adjust. The lifting platform control system does not require any electronic components.
The low column height also enables installation in low rooms.
The spindles are roll-hardened on state-of-the-art machines. In this way, you obtain press polished flanks without destroying the grain. In conjunction with the specially alloyed CNC machined bronze nuts, the platform achieves outstanding running smoothness.
The high thermal conductivity of bronze enables trouble-free and safe working even under high load and frequency.
All components together guarantee a long-lasting and smooth spindle nut system.
Telescopic turntables in the push-in sleeve system enable the safe and fast use of inexpensive adapter sets.
Flexible, wear-resistant plastic belts reliably protect the spindle against soiling.