This product is a PCI bus-standard motion control board that can position a stepping motor or (a pulse-train input type of) servomotor. This product has the functions for positioning, origin return, linear interpolation, and for S-curve acceleration and deceleration, capable of multi-axial linear interpolation and speed/position overriding. This product covers a wide range of applications including semiconductor equipment, test instruments, multi-axis robots, and X-Y robots. This product can control up to four axes alone. Using the driver library [API-PAC(W32, you can create Windows application software for this board in your favorite programming language supporting Win32 API functions, such as Visual Basic or Visual C++.
Capable of multi-axis independent control and pulse output up to 9.8Mpps
Control for up to 4 axes and motor control pulse output up to 9.8Mpps are available. Command pulse for motor control supports common pulse, independent pulse and 90° phase difference pulse. Limit input 3channels/axis, general-purpose input 7channels/axis, and general-purpose output 3channels/axis are equipped. Also, depending on the software setting, 5 general-purpose inputs can be used as alarm inputs, and general-purpose outputs as deviation counter clear outputs.
Capable of controlling the jogging at fixed speed or by linear/S-curve acceleration and deceleration, positioning, and origin returning
Carrying a motor control IC in the PCL6100 series from Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd., capable of controlling jogging, positioning, origin returning, synchronization control and linear interpolation.