Antioxidants oils

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lubricating oil
lubricating oil

Operating temperature: -25 °C - 180 °C
Flash point: 280 °C

Fire resistant hydraulic oil. High corrosion resistance and chemical stability. Biodegradable. Applicable in high pressure equipment in the steel and aluminium extrusion or plastics industries. Type HFDU. Maintenance ...

lubricating oil
lubricating oil

Operating temperature: -30 °C - 215 °C
Flash point: 130 °C - 230 °C

Ultra-refined base mineral lubricating oil (hydrogenated and dewaxed) designed for hydraulic systems. The formula has anti-oxidant, anti-wear, anti-foaming, high chemical stability and high starting viscosity ...

tapping oil
tapping oil

Flash point: 150 °C

... produce soot; And easy to use detergent or solvent cleaning; 3.Low oil mist: contain high efficiency oil mist settling agent, can quickly condense the oil mist produced by impact into ...

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