Cost-effective spectroradiometers

3 companies | 4 products
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cost-effective spectroradiometer
cost-effective spectroradiometer

Wavelength: 390 nm - 780 nm

... 3000, which is the standard model, and the CS-2000Plus, which is the cost-effective model, in addition to the CS-3000HDR, to contribute to the development of displays and lower process cost ...

handheld spectroradiometer
handheld spectroradiometer

Wavelength: 380 nm - 780 nm

Cost effective, practical analytics for Display Panel Manufacturers Lab and research equipment can be impractical for many companies needing to evaluate Display Panels in different situations. The ...

See the other products
USB spectroradiometer
USB spectroradiometer

Wavelength: 380 nm - 780 nm

... to address these inconsistencies, but they are often cost-prohibitive, bulky and painfully time-consuming to be used on production lines. The MD100N is a spectroradiometer that is cost-effective, ...

See the other products
high-precision spectroradiometer
high-precision spectroradiometer

Wavelength: 5 nm

... The new Spectroradiometer CS-3000 Series, the successor to the Spectroradiometer CS-2000 Series, features three different models, the flagship Spectroradiometer CS-3000HDR, the standard ...

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