Digital weighing bars

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Digital weighing bars | Choosing the Right Scale
There are a large number of scale models to meet the specific needs of different weighing applications, but regardless of the type of scale, you will choose a model based mainly on the following criteria: Range The range of a scale is defined as the maximum mass that the scale can measure, or more simply, the maximum mass value that the scale can display. When choosing a scale, define the required range by considering the maximum mass you will be...
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electromechanical weighing bar
electromechanical weighing bar
K3 ZEBRA series

Weight range: 1,500, 3,000, 600 kg
Resolution: 200, 500, 1,000 g
Weighing plate length: 800, 1,200 mm

• Perfect to weigh rigid structures: beams, tanks, cages… • Epoxy painted steel structure • Easy installation under any structure • Lifting handles in every bar to make the maintenance easier • Wire ...

electromechanical weighing bar
electromechanical weighing bar
K3i ZEBRA AI series

Weight range: 1,500 kg
Resolution: 500 g
Weighing plate length: 800, 1,200 mm

digital weighing bar
digital weighing bar
FPPMB series

WEIGHING BARS FPPMB SERIES - INDICATOR EXCLUDED Pair of weighing bars suitable for weighing boxes or pallets such as hoppers, conveyor belts, roller ...

four-cell weighing bar
four-cell weighing bar

Weighing bars With a design that facilitates their transport and speeds up their assembly •Weighing bars. •On-ground installation. •They are supplied in pairs. •Painted ...

weighing bar with LCD display
weighing bar with LCD display

Supplied in pairs Weighing bars in painted steel •Supplied in pairs. •Weighing bars in painted steel. •Fixed feet base on ZFI802 model / Swing feet base on ZFI1251 ...

digital weighing bar
digital weighing bar

Weight range: 2,000, 3,000, 5,000 kg

WEIGHING BEAMS TYPE WB Weighing beams type WB consist of two separate weighing beams with which the distance on the different loads can be adjusted. Standard cable length per weighing ...

See the other products
Griptech GmbH
beam weighing bar
beam weighing bar
TB4 series

Weight range: 2 kg - 3,000 kg

... breweries, etc. Scales characteristics: - The design of small mass scales are made from black metal coated with powder enamel. - Weighing indicator TWP-12 – in hermetically stainless ...

kg weighing bar
kg weighing bar

Weight range: 0 kg - 8,000 kg

... MOBILE BARS With EASY WEIGHTER WITH MOBILE WEIGHING BARS is possible weigh any type of product until 8.000 kg, is ideal in every application where is requested speed ...

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