Heat exchangers for the food industry

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plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 10.35 bar
Temperature: 150 °C

The APV® Plate Heat Exchanger FastFrame™ is a game changer that saves time and money. It starts with an innovative design featuring a powered wrench to open and close the heat exchanger, ...

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tube-tube heat exchanger
tube-tube heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 75 bar
Temperature: 285 °C

... particulates A tubular heat exchanger (THE) is used to warm or cool a product by exchanging heat between the process fluid and a service fluid, which is typically ...

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scraped surface heat exchanger
scraped surface heat exchanger

Scraped surface UHT systems are used for heat treatment/UHT of products with very high viscosity and/or particle content. FEATURES A UHT plant designed for robust and flexible running of products with very high ...

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air/water heat exchanger
air/water heat exchanger
SK series

Power: 1.2, 0.65, 1, 0.6 kW

Air/water heat exchanger for hygienically sensitive production zones in the food and consumables industry – the optimum addition to the Rittal Hygienic ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

... utilising the waste heat that wouldotherwise be lost to the atmosphere. EVC heat exchangers are compact and designed for thecondensing of flash steam, delivering an economic efficient ...

multi-tube heat exchanger
multi-tube heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 0 psi - 5,000 psi

... Kenics heat exchangers, offers the highest available coefficients for fast, uniform heat transfer. Capable of reliable operation in a wide range of process applications, ...

plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger
Schmidt® SIGMA

Power: 0 W - 10,000,000 W
Operating pressure: 0 bar - 30 bar
Temperature: -40 °C - 200 °C

Plate heat exchangers use corrugated plates stacked between a fixed and movable pressure plate. As virtually all of the material is used for heat transfer, plate heat ...

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API Schmidt-Bretten, API Heat Transfer group
welded plate heat exchanger
welded plate heat exchanger

Power: 1 W - 10,000,000 W
Operating pressure: 35, 25 bar
Temperature: -40 °C - 300 °C

... alone is all that is required to adequately support the heat exchanger, thus eliminating support considerations and labor costs in packaged equipment. API Heat Transfer welded plate ...

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API Schmidt-Bretten, API Heat Transfer group
shell and plate heat exchanger
shell and plate heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 0 bar - 150 bar
Temperature: -200 °C - 550 °C

... and with a heat transfer surface area up to 700 m2, our SIGMASHELL laser-welded plate and shell heat exchangers are ideal for thermal treatment of liquid, vapor, and gas. SIGMASHELL is ...

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API Schmidt-Bretten, API Heat Transfer group
mixer heat exchanger
mixer heat exchanger

... the heat exchangers which can be used for the inline heating and cooling of products. Because of the sophisticated construction, the PRIMIX heat exchanger takes a unique ...

welded plate heat exchanger
welded plate heat exchanger

Air to Air Heat Exchanger Air-to-air heat exchangers are designed both as simple cross-flow heat exchangers and as cross-counterflow ...

gasketed plate heat exchanger
gasketed plate heat exchanger
NT series

... efforts to continuously develop the gasketed plate heat exchanger-series further are aimed at meeting your thermodynamic and hydraulic performance needs and to ensure maximum economic ...

plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger

plate and frame heat exchangers are a new, revolutionary solution, ensuring not only increased flow turbulence, but also extensive heat exchange surface. JAG F bolted plate heat ...

pasteurization heat exchanger
pasteurization heat exchanger
JF series

Operating pressure: 6, 10, 16, 25, 30 bar
Temperature: -20 °C - 170 °C

Heat exchange is a crucial process in pasteurization and many other industrial processes in the food industry. We offer a range of stainless steel ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger
JAD series

Operating pressure: 16 bar
Temperature: 203 °C

... and tube heat exchangers make them perfect for the most demanding applications. The design and performance of JAD shell and tube heat exchangers make them perfect for ...

plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 60 bar
Temperature: 800 °C

Pillow plate type heat exchanger with integrated CIP (Cleaning in Place) system Well suited for heavily dust loaded air (for example in food/dairy - e.g. exhaust air of spray dryer, ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

Finned Copper Tube a/c Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger Details 1. Types: plate heat exchanger, spiral plate heat ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

... Low-temperature Medium-temperature High-temperature Types - U-tube heat exchanger Fixed tube-sheet heat exchangerxchanger Floating head type heat ...

scraped surface heat exchanger
scraped surface heat exchanger
Gerstenberg Polaron Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger

The Polaron scraped surface heat exchanger (SSHE) is specifically designed for the fat crystallisation industry. The machine has excellent cooling capacity with CO2 as cooling refrigerant ...

scraped surface heat exchanger
scraped surface heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 72, 120 bar

The Polaron Pilot Plant can be utilized to test your existing products for improvement, run small-scale productions for market tests, and also to develop new recipes. Product Examples: - Table Margarine - Puff Pastry Margarine - ...

plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 250 bar
Temperature: 160 °C

Plate heat exchangers Cipriani PHE We manufacture high-performance plate heat exchangers for every project. Quality in every detail We take care ...

heat pipe heat exchanger
heat pipe heat exchanger

... tank, and add a certain proportion of solvents such as water,ethanol, methanol, acetone, etc. according to the production process (add it according to the process). For the extraction of the original medicine, the ...

multi-tube heat exchanger
multi-tube heat exchanger

Working principle Heat transfer principle: heat and cold for heat transfer of two kinds of fluid, one in the pipe flow, known as pipe fluid;The other flow outside the tube is called ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

Power: 0 kW - 50 kW
Temperature: 0 °C - 700 °C

Exchanger Standard power, size and shape or as indicated by the customer. Stainless steel casing. Room insulation with technical material REFRACTORY and FIBROCERAMIC. Extractable heaters, mounted on a flange, ...

heat exchanger for the food industry
heat exchanger for the food industry

Heat Exchanger Used for heating and cooling of liquid materials.

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

Power: 0.1 kW - 10,000 kW
Operating pressure: 0 bar - 1,000 bar
Temperature: -100 °C - 400 °C

The design of the mixer / heat exchanger equates to a combination of a static mixer and a multitube heat exchanger in which a highly viscous product on the shell side ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

Power: 0.1 kW - 10,000 kW
Operating pressure: 0 bar - 200 bar
Temperature: -100 °C - 400 °C

... These elements increase the heat transfer from the product to the tube wall, so that smaller sizes can be realised than if the multitube heat exchanger has no mixing elements. Multitube ...

shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

Power: 0 kW - 1,000 kW
Operating pressure: 0 bar - 100 bar
Temperature: -100 °C - 400 °C

... between the primary and secondary media, with practically total dranage on the product side. Fluitec sterile shell and tube heat exchangers are therefore ideally suited to CIP/SIP plants. A special ...

plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger
M series

Operating pressure: 10, 18, 19, 10.34 bar
Temperature: 160 °C

... pasteurization and other heating and cooling duties in hygienic and utility applications in the dairy, food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Heat ...

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Alfa Laval
shell and tube heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger

Heat exchangers are used for different applications in industrial production processes. These products are used to heat, vaporize, condense and cool the substances involved. Through ...

plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger

... both plates or tubular versions to meet food industry needs.
Depending on the product to be treated and flow rate to process, plates are used with variable geometry to minimize the fouling factor, optimize ...

plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 8 bar

... of the milk by the plate heat exchanger assures quality, as the storage temperature is reached faster. The growth of bacteria in the milk is slowed by the heat exchanger. ...

pasteurization heat exchanger
pasteurization heat exchanger

... viscosity products. Generally product is pulpy. Pipe structure is design to ensure product be in turbulance for more comfortable heat transfer. Pipe packages are set in four sections as in plate pasteurizers: 2 x regeneration, ...

plate-fin heat exchanger
plate-fin heat exchanger
ZL3 series

Power: 6 W
Temperature: 50 °C

... . The dispelled moisture and fresh air undergo ample heat exchange in the waste heat regeneration device, allowing for the discharge of moisture and the introduction of fresh air with recovered heat ...

scraped surface heat exchanger
scraped surface heat exchanger
GS Nexus series

Power: 22 kW - 197 kW
Operating pressure: 55 bar
Temperature: -30 °C

... tube surface. Benefits Multi-purpose machine for all edible Fats & Oils (F&O) products. Hygienic design suitable for the food industry. All product contacting parts ...

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Gerstenberg Schröder
gasketed plate heat exchanger
gasketed plate heat exchanger

Tanpera provides Standard Plate Heat Exchangers and ensures that the most suitable plates can be selected for any given task. It offers solutions most cost-effectively with wide product varieties and ...

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plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger

Operating pressure: 10 bar - 16 bar
Temperature: 180 °C

High Thermal Efficiency Pasteurization Heat Exchanger NBRFF Gaskets for Wine Tempering Working guideline. The plate heat exchanger comprises of a pack of ridged metal ...

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