Ultra-rugged pressure gauges

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4 companies | 4 products
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digital pressure gauge
digital pressure gauge

Pressure: 15 psi - 10,000 psi
Precision: 0.25, 0.02, 0.05 %
Process temperature: -20 °C - 50 °C

... Digital Test Gauge - Ultra Rugged Ultra rugged, intrinsically safe, digital test gauge with “0.05% of reading”, “0.02% of full scale”, ...

differential pressure gauge
differential pressure gauge
EMA 84

Pressure: 0 Pa - 100,000 Pa
Precision: 1, 0.5, 0.2 %
Process temperature: 10 °C - 60 °C

The EMA 84 is a portable, battery-powered digital pressure gauge providing highly accurate measurements of positive and negative differential pressures. Because it is ...

digital pressure gauge
digital pressure gauge

Pressure: 1 bar - 2,000 bar

The digital manometer SM-IDROSCAN series allows to measure, dsplay and record pressure and temperature with a good accuracy and reliability. The Data Logger function allows to store up to 60.000 points. The SM-IDROSCAN ...

differential pressure gauge
differential pressure gauge

Pressure: 0 mbar - 150 mbar

Dual Input Differential Manometer Dual Input Differential Manometer Dual Input Differential Manometer PM-731 Dual Input Differential Manometer Dual Input Differential ...

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