Venturi tubes

3 companies | 4 products
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Venturi tube
Venturi tube

Venturi tube A Venturi tube is an engineered primary flow element for the most efficient and accurate differential pressure (DP) flow measurement. The typical Venturi ...

Venturi tube
Venturi tube
FLC-FN-PIP series

... of power plants, flow nozzles to ASME PTC-6 are also available. Reduced pressure loss through a Venturi nozzle To reduce the pressure loss, a Venturi nozzle can be offered. It combines the standard ...

Venturi tube
Venturi tube
FLC-VT series

... upstream and downstream requirements Venturi tubes are reliable, easy to use and low-maintenance Venturi tubes are particularly suitable for the measurement of clean ...

Venturi tube
Venturi tube

... venture used in ductwork are also fabricated from sheet. Many times the piping geometry does not allow full length of the Venturi Tube. In such case, ‘Truncated' classical Venturi ...

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