Voltage current transmitters

3 companies | 4 products
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digital current transmitter
digital current transmitter

Primary current: 1, 5 A

Single-phase current, single-phase voltage transmitter mainly measures the current signal and voltage signal, and outputs 1 or 2 analog signals or outputs ...

three-phase current transmitter
three-phase current transmitter

Primary current: 1, 5 A

JD194-BS4I3T three phase current transmitter with RS-485 communication is used for measuring three phase current and voltage signal, isolated transmission and output ...

digital current transmitter
digital current transmitter
TAIv 60

Primary current: 1, 5 A

The TAIv60 is a Digital Mesures Transmitter TAIv of AC current, AC voltage and frequency measurement. Easy configurable by the PC software SlimSet ...

digital current transmitter
digital current transmitter
DT1622 I series

Primary current: 0 A - 10 A

... The DT1622 … Loop powered AC Current Transmitters provide an output signal (4-20 mA) proportionally with the TRMS value of the input AC-current, AC-voltage ...

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