Waste sorters

27 companies | 37 products
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recycling sorting system
recycling sorting system
Heavy intelligent

... etc. It can use the waste treatment cloud platform to monitor the operation status of the equipment and the recycling plant in real time, improving the value of waste sorting process and results. ...

plastic recycling sorting system
plastic recycling sorting system
Light AI

... sorting quantity and efficiency. It can be used for sorting the construction waste , decoration waste, household waste, waste paper, plastic waste, ...

automatic sorting system
automatic sorting system

Throughput: 600 p/h - 700 p/h

The mobile line is designed for sorting solid household waste in order to select useful fraction - recyclable materials (secondary polymers, PET bottles, waste paper, scrap metal, glass/cullet). The ...

sorting system for the automotive industry
sorting system for the automotive industry

... Description Waste sorting plant "SK-500" consists of three lines for sorting mixed waste and one line for sorting waste from separate collection, which meets the latest requirements ...

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Eco-Spectrum LLC
recycling sorting system
recycling sorting system

The multi-sensor sorting system VARISORT can be used universally in many different recycling applications (e.g. plastics, metal, electronic waste, wood and solid waste ...

recycling sorter
recycling sorter
ReSortika CF

... secondary materials with sizes varying from 0.5 to 15 mm and detection efficiency up to 99.99%. Fields of application: recycling - Effective separation of polymers less than 15 mm - Production of cleaned recyclable ...

recycling sorter
recycling sorter
Re Sortika BF

... 20 mm to 350 mm and detection efficiency up to 99%. 25 years of experience in the manufacture of recycling equipment Fields of application: recycling - Efficient separation by composition - Production ...

recycling sorter
recycling sorter

Throughput: 2 p/h - 15 p/h

... Withdrawal of PVC and other impurities CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE (CDW) Recovery of glass, metals, aggregates, etc. MINERALS Purification and color separation METAL RECYCLING Removal of impurities SHREDDED ...

optical sorting system
optical sorting system
OSX series

Throughput: 5 p/h - 250 p/h

The main advantage of the OSX system is connected with its universality and at the same time very sophisticated image processing functions. The use of recently developed sophisticated commercial software makes it very competitive compared ...

sorting system for the chemical industry
sorting system for the chemical industry

Throughput: 5 p/h - 40 p/h

With the VSX model it is possible to have a full and detailed 3D scan of each particle. It can be equipped with all the mentioned identification techniques that Comexoffers.VSX have no limitations when it comes to number of possible sorting ...

glass recycling sorting machine
glass recycling sorting machine
CLARITY plastic

... device, it can help you transform your recyclable materials into hard cash. Sensor Fusion by Binder+Co – we adapt our sorting systems to the specific tasks of the customer and equip the CLARITY with corresponding sensors. ...

See the other products
Binder+Co AG
recycling sorting system
recycling sorting system

... material streams. FINDER™ is the ideal sorting solution to recover non-ferrous metals lost to eddy current separation. The sorting unit harnesses the power of electromagnetic sensors and built-in machine intelligence ...

X-ray sorting system
X-ray sorting system

The multi-sensory response to increasingly complex requirements in material separation We have harmonised four sensor systems in this combination sensor sorting system. Two optical sensors provide colour and three-dimensional shape ...

glass recycling sorting machine
glass recycling sorting machine

... cullets. Inspired by ANGELON MODEL C machine, ANGELON waste metal scraps sorting machine continues its belt-type structure and its innovative rotating cleaning system, ANGELON glass sorting machine ...

semi-automatic sorter
semi-automatic sorter

... ribbing around the roller and the whole graded product passes forwarded. The waste falling through the rollers, is caught in a hopper and collected in a crate or waste belt under the machine. The ...

waste sorter
waste sorter
Dano Drum

... disposal. It reduces the volume of the waste, enhances material recovery and facilitates handling of each waste fraction by its selected final treatment method. The rotation of the drum, leads to ...

plastic recycling sorter
plastic recycling sorter
MACH Hyspec®

Delivering accuracy and profitability, Machinex has developed the MACH Hyspec® Optical Sorter: a leap forward in the industry. Using technology made more efficient by a high-speed, short wave infra-red (SWIR) hyperspectral ...

See the other products
Machinex Industries Inc.
recycling sorting system
recycling sorting system

... Classification of Mass Mixed Municipal Solid Waste; Pre-Treatment and Classification of Containers and Packaging of selective collection; Pre-Treatment and Classification of Industrial and Commercial Waste; ...

recycling sorting unit
recycling sorting unit

... , PC, and PVC, from mixed waste plastics for high-value recycling. We can further sort plastics of the same material by color, grade, and type. We can sort waste paper into different categories, ...

recycling sorting system
recycling sorting system

... state-of-the-art sorting systems separate paper, lightweight packaging, plastics, mixed construction waste, wood residues and metals, among other things. The sorters are used particularly ...

plastic recycling sorting machine
plastic recycling sorting machine
Mistral Dual Vision

Using Near-Infra red and Vision technologies, the Mistral machine is equipped with the most advanced technology in the optical sorting industry. The Mistral machine is used in every application in recycling: MSW, MRF, RDF, C&D, Industrial, ...

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automatic sorter
automatic sorter

... make innovative and customized systems MACPRESSE designs and manufactures sorting systems for paper and plastic, for industrial waste and for the sorting of municipal solid waste . Each ...

recycling sorting system
recycling sorting system

Selection and sorting cabins for the manual separation of the waste materials from the sorting conveyor, complete with air-conditioning systems, in full compliance with the essential workplace health and safety requirements, ...

recycling sorting machine
recycling sorting machine

... and new materials of the waste. Multiple types of waste that could be sorted The high-speedoptical sorter FASToAi® has a wide range of applications,such as plastics, paper, recyclable ...

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magnetic sorting system
magnetic sorting system

... products. The quantity of used material is also increasing at an alarming rate - and with it - the problem of handling this waste. We must identify and apply solutions to this problem which are economically acceptable ...

recycling sorting system
recycling sorting system
Sorting systems

Throughput: 1 p/min - 1,000 p/min

SORTING SYSTEMS INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS FOR SORTING WASTE ANIS provides high-performance and efficient sorting systems for separating mixed material flows by type. The sorters ...

waste sorter
waste sorter

Project summary Disposal of ingrade waste materials in containers (plastic, cardboard, PET or rubbish in pallet cages) in balers and sanitary vans with portal robot (line portal); pallet cage folding, stacking, strapping ...

sorting machine for the food industry
sorting machine for the food industry

Throughput: 15 p/s

MAXIMUM SPEED, MINIMAL CONCESSIONS With its high speed, capacity and accuracy, EasySort is our highest-performing machine, designed for citrus and stone fruit. With its single carrier EasySort reaches a fruit-friendly top speed of 15 ...

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