Dermatology microscopes

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2 companies | 4 products
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optical microscope
optical microscope

Magnification: 40 unit - 800 unit

... petri dishes. With an upright microscope, the lens is under the specimen and the condenser above the specimen, which is particularly suitable for viewing on microscope slides. In an inverted microscope, ...

optical microscope
optical microscope

Magnification: 10 unit - 40 unit

MSL4000 series stereo microscopes offer an optimal value for money. Thanks to the wide range of accessories and different eyepieces, these microscopes are suitable for a wide range of applications. All ...

optical microscope
optical microscope

Magnification: 45 unit

A robust zooming stereo microscope for the professional examination of electronics, precision engineering, plastics and medical products. The microscope is used for inspection, assembly, analysis, for ...

opto-digital microscope
opto-digital microscope

Magnification: 10 unit - 200 unit

... DermaScope® a new generation of compact and affordable dermatoscopes has seen the light. These handy, easy-to-use USB digital microscopes can be quickly deployed and used to create sharp and clear photos and videos of ...

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