Stationary turbo-compressors

6 companies | 8 products
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stationary turbocharger
stationary turbocharger

Engine power: 5,500 kW - 12,000 kW

The turbocharger of choice for high performance large four-stroke medium speed engines Our A100-M axial turbochargers are designed for large medium-speed engines, in heavy-duty applications ranging ...

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stationary turbocharger
stationary turbocharger

... 8000Km). ◘ Disassemble the pipeline from the air filter to the inlet of the turbocharger compressor casing, and rotate the turbocharger compressor impeller. The turbocharger ...

stationary turbo-compressor
stationary turbo-compressor

Airflow: 37,000 m³/h - 54,000 m³/h
Pressure: 0 bar - 13 bar
Engine power: 6,543 ch

... TM) standardized main air compressor AeroBlock ™ standardized main air compressor boosts energy efficiency by up to 2% compared to previous solutions. The new design lowers the motor power required, ...

stationary turbo-compressor
stationary turbo-compressor

The HV-TURBO GC compressor is a part of making the aeration 99.5% self-sustainable delivering the lowest CO2 footprint over a lifetime of a compressor – we are still working on the last ...

stationary turbo-compressor
stationary turbo-compressor
TCH Series

Pressure: 40 bar

TCH process compressors are horizontally split type, meaning that casing is made by two halves, jointed on a plane parallel to the rotor axis. Low and medium pressure applications (up to 40 bar) are typical for this ...

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Franco Tosi
stationary turbocharger
stationary turbocharger

... future. Because of its highly specialized use, materials used for turbochargers must have the following characteristics: 1. Good high temperature oxidation resistance: Because turbochargers need to ...

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