Thermomechanical analyzers

8 companies | 15 products
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gas analyzer
gas analyzer

... fibers, films, plates, soft or hard polymers, and single crystals. Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) is the ideal addition to DSC. Besides the measurement of expansion coefficients, TMA is also an excellent ...

protein analyzer
protein analyzer

... viscoelastic properties of materials. Reliable for product engineers in applied research and materials development, DMA analyzers offer precise measurements of mechanical properties for simple and complex materials. Our ...

protein analyzer
protein analyzer
TMA7000 series

TMA (Thermo Mechanical Analysis) measures change in sample dimensions as a function of time or temperature. It’s used for evaluating expansion or shrinkage of samples across a wide temperature range. TMA ...

thermomechanical analyzer
thermomechanical analyzer
402 F1 /F3 Hyperion®

The heart of the TMA 402 Hyperion® is a highly precise inductive displacement transducer (LVDT). This technology has stood the test of time; it is also used for dilatometers and allows measurement of even the smallest ...

gas analyser
gas analyser
402 F3 Hyperion®

Thermomechanical Analysis – TMA - Tailor-Made for Low-Temperature Applications TMA Analysis for Polymers Polymers undergo changes in their thermomechanical properties ...

gas analyzer
gas analyzer
STA 2500 Regulus

The STA 2500 Regulus features a highly reliable, fully equipped instrument package for STA measurements up to 1600°C at an attractive price. Top-Loading and Unique Differential Balance Arrangement The natural gas flow in the top-loading ...

gas analyser
gas analyser
TMA 450 RH

The ALL NEW TMA 450 RH is a stand-alone instrument that allows for controlled relative humidity experiments over both wide temperature and RH ranges. Measure CHE, CTE*, track Tg changes, and perform dynamic experiments, ...

nitrogen analyzer
nitrogen analyzer
TMA 450

TA Instruments invites you to experience the finest in Thermomechanical Analyzers, the Discovery TMA 450. Discover the advanced engineering and attention to detail that provides enhancements ...

oxygen analyzer
oxygen analyzer

Is a portable meter for measuring dissolved oxygen concentration and temperature of aqueous mediums, including deairated ones. It can be used for continuous monitoring of chemical water treatment at thermal power and nuclear power industry ...

air analyzer
air analyzer

TMA is the measurement of a change of a dimension or a mechanical property of the sample while it is subjected to a temperature regime. TMA uses interchangeable probes at varied loads to make a number ...

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hydrocarbon analyzer
hydrocarbon analyzer
LSR -3

Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric power, thermal power) of a certain material is used to describe the magnitude of the induced thermoelectric voltage in proportion to the temperature difference across the material. The thermal power ...

gas analyzer
gas analyzer

... SENSITIVE tri-couple DTA technology MODULAR ADAPTATIONS up to 2400 °C: TGA, DTA, TG-DTA, TMA up to 1600 °C: DSC, TG-DSC EXTERNAL COUPLING CAPABILITY with evolved gas analyzers (FTIR, MS, GCMS, MSFTIR, ...

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