Universal spindles

2 companies | 3 products
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robot spindle
robot spindle

Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 10,000 rpm

The URS-01 is an electrical spindle developed to be used as grinding tool for a product-guide operation, meaning that the robot brings the part to the standing spindle. The URS-01 can be easily mounted ...

universal spindle
universal spindle
HSP series

Rotational speed: 15,000 rpm - 51,000 rpm
Diameter: 100 mm - 230 mm

GMN high-speed grinding spindles of the HS, HSX, HV-X and UHS series are irreplaceable for most precise machining tasks. Whether you must work with holes or frames, with these spindles you always make ...

grinding spindle
grinding spindle
HSP..G series

Rotational speed: 10,000 rpm - 30,000 rpm
Diameter: 100 mm - 230 mm

GMN high-speed grinding spindles of the HS, HSX, HV-X and UHS series are irreplaceable for most precise machining tasks. Whether you must work with holes or frames, with these spindles you always make ...

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