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Metal-sheathed heating tape Kanthal® APM

metal-sheathed heating tape
metal-sheathed heating tape
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Sheathing / insulating material
Working temperature

Min.: 150 °C
(302 °F)

Max.: 1,400 °C
(2,552 °F)


Strip in a wide range of alloys optimized for use in electrical resistance and high-temperature applications. Standard sizes range from thickness 0.10 to 3.5 mm (0.0039 to 0.1378 inch) and width 4-195 mm (0.157-7.68 inch). Our wide range of resistance heating alloys in strip form makes it possible to select the most appropriate grade and size for each respective application, resulting in optimum end-product performance. The consistent resistivity from delivery to delivery facilitates trouble-free production. Size range Thickness: 0.10-4 mm (0.00394-0.157 inch) Width: 4-200 mm (0.157-7.874 inch) Other sizes can be delivered on request. Resistance tolerance Standard resistance tolerance for strip is ± 5%, but strip with closer resistance tolerance can be delivered on request. Delivery forms Kanthal® resistance heating strip is supplied in coils with an internal diameter of Ø 400 mm or in straightened lengths. Marking Each coil of strip is supplied with a label or tag showing alloy type, nominal size, tara and net weight, resistance Ω/m (Ω /ft) and charge number

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*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.