WITT gas filters for reliable protection against contamination and condensate.
ultra-fine filtering out of mechanical impurities through bronze or stainless steel filter inserts
broad range of uses – compatible with many technical gases
filter inserts in stainless steel with a filtering fineness of approx. 0,5 µm, approx. 10 µm or approx. 40 mµ
filter inserts in bronze especially for O2 with a filtering fineness of 5 µm or 50 mµ, according to EIGA
change of filter possible while installed due to user-friendly design
high flowrate thanks to flow-maximising design
condensate can be collected and removed using condensate drain
easy to install thanks to large choice of connections
reliable filtering performance increases service life of downstream fittings and equipment
Operation / Usage:
particularly well suited to use in laser systems
Gas filter model 77 is designed for installation in pipelines
the gas purifiers with condensate drain must be installed vertically
the condensate should be drained at regular intervals
the filter inserts must be checked regularly and replaced if necessary
Company certified to ISO 9001 and PED 2014/68/EU Module H
Filter inserts of bronze: Designed for Oxygen Service in accordance with EIGA 13/20, CGA G-4.4 and AIGA 021/20: Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems
Cleaned for Oxygen Service in accordance with EIGA 33/18, CGA G-4.1 and AIGA 012/19: Cleaning of Equipment for Oxygen Service