Industrial deep drawing

8 companies | 14 products
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{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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metal deep drawing
metal deep drawing
H frame type

It is preferred in deep dawing processes which requires high precision table parallelism thanks to it’s four fixed columns around table. Prioritizing customer and operation-oriented production offers customizable production ...

metal deep drawing
metal deep drawing

It is preferred in deep dawing processes which requires high precision table parallelism thanks to it’s four fixed columns around table. Prioritizing customer and operation-oriented production offers customizable production ...

metal deep drawing
metal deep drawing

... steel: St12, 08F Stainless steel: SS304, SS316L Process: Deep drawn Size: Various Application: Agricultural machinery Animal feeding equipment Kitchen device Marine industry

steel deep drawing
steel deep drawing

Stamping is a process which forms metals such as steel, stainless steel and aluminium by tools in stamping presses. The stamping of these metals can be done at normal temperature (cold stamping) or after heating (hot forming) depending ...

steel deep drawing
steel deep drawing

... process, where the final shape is given in two or more sequential operations. Those operations can be blanking, forming, drawing, piercing, tapping, staking, etc. Each station along the path performs a specific operation ...

steel deep drawing
steel deep drawing
Exhaust tailpipe

Exhaust tailpipes in AISI 304, 1.5mm thick Cutting, deep drawing, punching, bending, folding. The displayed products are unique items: no cuts, no sealing

See the other products
Mario Fernando Group Srl
metal deep drawing
metal deep drawing

automotive deep drawing
automotive deep drawing

Our customers may contact us with any kind of wide-ranging tasks. Our product range comprises punched components, punched and bent components, drawn components, fine blanking components as well as fine ground components and assemblies. ...

steel deep drawing
steel deep drawing

Deep drawn presswork and manufacturing of the highest technical standards with the capability of drawing up to depth of 230mm. We currently manufacture components from 0.43mm thick tin plate to a depth ...

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