Sandwich production lines

3 companies | 4 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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sandwich production line
sandwich production line

Output: 60 p/min

The BPS-100 is a line designed for vertical partial cutting of buns, and the application of butter or other sauces. Suitable for the production of various sandwich types. • The line ...

tramezzino sandwich production line
tramezzino sandwich production line

... bread. The line features a Kawasaki robot with titanium blades and optical vision systems with the option to choose the type of cut: triangular, rectangular or in four triangles. SANDWICH PREPARATION ...

See the other products
tramezzino sandwich production line
tramezzino sandwich production line

Automatic and semi-automatic lines with 2 or 4 lanes for the production of classical and Venetian style tramezzino sandwiches. This series of lines is highly customizable; with the possibility ...

See the other products
automatic sandwich production line
automatic sandwich production line

Output: 90 p/min

... minute Transport: Carrier plates Our sandwich line RCS covers the complete process of sandwich production – from cutting the bread over spreading the butter, placing ...

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