Vertical rice whitening machines

4 companies | 5 products
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vertical rice whitening machine
vertical rice whitening machine

... various machines can be connected downstream of the vertical pearler. Rice is subsequently treated with the polishing machine. In legume processing or pearling of wheat ...

vertical rice whitening machine
vertical rice whitening machine
TopWhite™ BSPB

... saving valuable time in rice processing. You can also set all three brakes at the same time from a central control panel. A smooth cooling system helps prevent broken rice The TopWhite cools the rice, ...

vertical rice whitening machine
vertical rice whitening machine
PDB - 7

Vertical Whitener is used in paddy processing plants to whiten the field and cargo rice by sanding the bran on the outer surface of the cargo rice by means of the vertically arrayed stone ...

vertical rice whitening machine
vertical rice whitening machine

Higher milling yield and fewer brokens The "state of the art" milling chamber produces evenly milled rice using very low pressure, thus producing higher yields with fewer brokens while ...

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abrasive rice whitening machine
abrasive rice whitening machine

... frame from the machine. All other parts are easily accessible and readily changeable. Minimum bran residue inside machine In the section below the milling chamber, there is a bran ...

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