K12T-6A series is a 6A non-isolated switching regulator. The output voltage is accurately adjustable from 0.75V to 5.0V, andtheproductisfeatured with high efficiency, fast transient response, input under-voltage, output short circuit, over-current protection. They meet CLASSBof CISPR32/EN55032 EMI standards by adding the recommended external components and they are widely used in applications suchascommunications, computer network industry, power distributed architecture, workstations, servers, LANs/WANs and providehighcurrentwith fast transient response for high-speed chips such as FPGA, DSP, and ASIC
High efficiency up to 94%
Operating ambient temperaturerange: -40℃to+85℃
Input under-voltage protection, output short-circuit, over-current protection High-speed transient response
Compact SMD package