RESOLUTE FS (Functional Safety) is a true absolute, fine pitch optical encoder system that has excellent dirt immunity, and an impressive specification that breaks new ground in position feedback. It is the world's first absolute encoder capable of 1 nm resolution at up to 100 m/s. Ultra low SDE and jitter result in a rotary encoder system that outperforms any other encoder in its class. Certified to SIL2 and PLd for use in functional safety applications.
What is RTLA30-S scale?
RTLA30-S is a low profile stainless steel tape scale featuring our 30 µm pitch absolute scale code. It is accurate to ±5 µm/m and available in lengths up to 21 metres. RTLA30-S is laid onto the substrate with self-adhesive backing tape. The self-adhesive is formulated in such a way that it allows for independent scale expansion to that of the substrate.
To complete the installation, the tape scale is clamped at one point to provide a datum position.