RESOLUTE FS (Functional Safety) is a true absolute, fine pitch optical encoder system that has excellent dirt immunity, and an impressive specification that breaks new ground in position feedback. It is the world's first absolute encoder capable of 29 bit resolution at 18 300 rev/min. Ultra low SDE and jitter result in a rotary encoder system that outperforms any other encoder in its class. Certified to SIL2 and PLd for use in functional safety applications.
What is RESA30 ring?
RESA30 is a one-piece stainless steel ring with absolute scale code marked directly on the periphery. Two versions are available in a wide range of sizes (Ø52 mm to Ø550 mm).‘A' section rings, which offer an impressive installed accuracy, feature a taper mount system which reduce the need for highly toleranced machined parts and eliminate eccentricity. ‘B' section thin rings, which are low inertia and mass, are also available. Both 'A' and 'B' section rings have a large internal diameter for flexible integration.