Vertical emulsifiers

10 companies | 12 products
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vertical emulsifier
vertical emulsifier

The Rotostat emulsifier features our Optishear technology. The unique patented revolving stator, when combined with the close-clearance, driven rotor and high efficiency lower propeller, optimizes shear rates, pumping ...

disperser emulsifier
disperser emulsifier
TRS series

Flow: 0 m³/h - 130 m³/h

The Powder liquid high shear mixers dispersing emulsifier is composed of main machine boby and the gear of mixing pump, which are vertically installed. Through a double-layer wall pipe,the liquid materials and solid materials ...

vertical emulsifier
vertical emulsifier
DS 3

The Turbo-emulsifier Mixer DS 3 can mix, homogenize, emulsify and disintegrate different types of substance. It can process up to 10 liters of product. Its motor, with a power of 600 watts, can reach up to 12.500 nominal ...

vertical emulsifier
vertical emulsifier

The turbo-emulsifier Mixer DS 4 Heavy Duty can emulsify, homogenize and mix up to 10 liters of substance. It is particularly suited for gels, liquids and creams that need a prolonged working, something for which the ...

vertical emulsifier
vertical emulsifier
AGM-FCRS series

This range of equipment has been designed to meet the requirements of fine emulsions for pharmaceutical processes where an AGM-FCR does not allow the required shear capability to be obtained. The AGM-FCRS can be installed alone, in ...

vertical emulsifier
vertical emulsifier
EMV series

EMV – 1 stage and EMVT – 2 stages mixers have been designed to obtain emulsions and dispersions which require a high degree of shearing. The functions of these systems mean they can work with high viscosity products (up to ...

See the other products
InoxMIMGrup S.L.
continuous emulsifier
continuous emulsifier

This simple and well-proven emulsifying machine is for continuous production and has a capacity range from 50 to 3,500 kg/hour depending on the oil content of the product. The EM machine combines the pre-emulsification and the high shear ...

vertical emulsifier
vertical emulsifier
TurboMixer GTM 1100

... which are located the turbo emulsifier at vertical head with VERTIMIX® technology, the containing BUFFER TANK with polished internal surface and a shovels stirrer that assures the product homogeneity. ...

vertical emulsifier
vertical emulsifier

With a capacity of 4 tons per hour, EmulTEK 4 offers proper production at a cost-effective price. The bitumen emulsion plant also offers flexibility and works well with varied mix designs and recipes. The compact dimensions of the EmulTEK ...

turbo emulsifier
turbo emulsifier

Capacity: 25 l - 3,000 l

... Ball-type valves on the lid. MIXER Slow coaxial mixing system (counter-rotating). • Mixing blade with optimized profile for the vertical movement of product, including PTFE scrapers. • Variable speed of the Mixer through ...

vertical emulsifier
vertical emulsifier

The FPL intermittent high shear homogeneous dispersion emulsifier series is a high-performance emulsifying system, and the lower portion of the high shear homogenizer has a unique set, the rotor structure performs highly ...

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