S2000 calculation module is a microprocessor instrument equipped with both digital and analog I/O's and it is able to operate on them many types of calculations. The calculations settings can be entered via PC using a specific software (it can be supplied on request) or directly in the factory.
Description: - Flow computer
Power supply: - 115/230 Vac (S2000-1-ST) ±10%, 50-60 Hz;
Analog input: - 4-CH, 0..20 / 4..20 mA passive, ADC 12 bit
Digital input: - 2-CH contact or npn open collector transistor
Digital output: - 2-CH npn open collector transistor
Analog output: - 2-CH 0..20 / 4..20 mA active, ADC 12 bit
Serial interface: - RS232/RS485 optoisolated
Insulation: - 3.500 Vac (power supply//signal circuits)